I have been a Professional Home Organizer in the Seattle area for over 15 years now, and like I’ve said in previous episodes, I have seen it all! No organizing project is too big or crazy for me.

My key to success is to always have in mind the fact that everyone is different. Everyone has different personalities, quirks, interests, tastes, hobbies, values, priorities, and so on. And when it comes to organizing someone’s home or helping them with time management I’ve learned that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.

More often than not, when I pull a strategy from my huge arsenal, I have to custom fit all the different tips and techniques for each individual client. But, there are a number of tried and true organizing tactics that consistently work with most people.

One of those is what I call the Category Game. In general, when it comes to organizing your home, in a lot of ways you’re playing one big category game. Everything you own falls into a particular category and within each category are sub-categories… and then sub-categories of sub-categories. Each category in your home should be assigned a home, so that you can find the items when your need them.

But sometimes, when I’m helping a client organize their home, we come across a few very random items that don’t seem to fall into any specific category. When you’re sorting, purging, and organizing all your stuff, what do you do with some of those very random items that don’t seem to have a home anywhere in your house?

When you come across something that doesn’t fit one of the obvious categories, it’s easy to get stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed. On today’s episode of Life Made Simple I give you a solution for all those little random items that don’t seem to have a specific home.

Now I have to say, when we put this topic on the podcast schedule, it was originally going to be about the random little junky things our children have in their rooms. But, the truth is, even as grown-ups those little random items tend float around and clutter up our space as well.  So not only do I specifically apply this unique organizing solution to organizing a child’s room, I also tell you how you can apply this solution to your own random stuff lying around.


Links Mentioned in this Show:

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Simplicity University: SimplicityU.com


Free Guide:  “9 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY


Free Download: “5 Steps to Organizing Your Home

Or send a text to 44222 with the word ORGANIZE


Website: CarlaRaeArneson.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/CarlaRaeArneson


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