Episode #19: “CarlaRae Confesses” – Always Late? Here’s What To Do About It!



Have you ever wondered why some people never seem to arrive to places on time? Now I know that everyone is late now and then, but I’m talking about people who tend to run late most of the time. Surely you must know someone in your life who is habitually late for almost everything.

Some may run only 5, 10, 15 minutes late on occasion, so it’s not always so noticeable. In those cases, they are late enough that it isn’t detrimental to their event, but still a little annoying to those around them.  But then there are those who run anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour late. Know anyone like that?

Well, no matter how late one might tend to be or how often, being late can become a bad habit. It’s never good! Chronically late people can be so frustrating and baffling to anyone stuck waiting for them. Yet, it can be so hard to change that habit.

Unfortunately, for a good percentage of Americans, three little words accompany their entrance into most business meetings, gym class, dinner with friends, or even dates… those three words are “Sorry, I’m late.”

Again, I’m sure you know people who say those three words on a daily basis. And you might actually be able to admit that you are, in fact, one of those people. Are you a habitually late person?

Well, I’m not sure if you noticed, but in the title of this episode it says “CarlaRae Confesses”… that’s because every once in awhile on Life Made Simple, we are going to feature a special “CarlaRae Confesses” episode where Yours Truly confesses and talks about an area of my own life that I need extra help in… areas of my life that I need to simplify. Because, I’m definitely not perfect!

So today, I have a confession for you. My confession is that I struggle with being on time. Yup, I hate to admit it, but I tend to run late sometimes. Kinda ironic, isn’t it, considering I’m technically a Time Management Specialist. I guess it’s just a classic case of “the cobbler’s children go barefoot and have no shoes.”

Now, I can say that I’ve gotten MUCH better over the years, because I used to be really bad. I was rarely ever more than 20 minutes late, but I was chronically 5-15 minutes late most of the time.  Like I said, I’ve gotten much better, but I still find that I struggle with it.

In today’s episode I reveal WHY most people are habitually late… because there is a lot of psychology behind it. And then we talk about a handful of practical solutions, tips, and techniques that I’ve applied to my own life that can definitely help you to be on time more often.


Links Mentioned in this Show:

Free Download:  “How To Be More Punctual

Or send a text to 44222 with the word ONTIME


More on how to strengthen your willpower muscle: CarlaRaeArneson.com/episode3


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Free Guide:  “9 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY


Submit Questions: CarlaRaeArneson.com/AskCarlaRae

Full Transcript of this Episode: CarlaRaeArneson.com/transcript19


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